My mum is an Artist

My mum is an Artist

Valerie Vandecasteele

Autonomous Context  2022-2023

Like a snake molts, I molt from mother to artist and back again. My thoughts in slices, my time fragmented, always looking for balance and for myself?

In times of equality, I am not equal as a woman, as a mother and as an artist. Motherhood creates expectations from society. However, I also had expectations about motherhood. Where time and space have become hollow words. Babies do not attend residencies and vernisages that do not yet have a breastfeeding room. I have to learn to deal with a fragmented version of myself. I seem strong and soft but could break into pieces at any moment. That is why the use of porcelain plays an important role in my work. It underlines the game of fragility and strength. From the play mat I try to rebuild my own personality. Looking for new forms to express myself, the everyday objects that surround me form a new canvas. Toys march into my house unsolicited. By adjusting the scale I elevate them from their normal function and reshape them into new toys. My toys. The repetitive household actions captured in a moment. My personal experiences converted into a visual language of ceramics. Because it seems familiar but nothing is the same. I carefully rebuild myself. The baby and I have conflicting goals, by expanding his world my world shrinks considerably. And my work shrinks with me. But my desires and thoughts are still as great and are not always taken seriously. Materiality is an important factor throughout my work. It strengthens my feelings. It is a means of expressing and amplifying my feeling. Like a snake molts, I molt from mother to artist and back again. My thoughts in slices, my time fragmented, always looking for balance and for myself? Looking for my position in society. Do I want respect as a mother or as an artist? From the play mat I look eagerly at the art world, while my own canvas is formed by the everyday things that surround me. Almost swallowing me up. Patiently awaiting my boredom to return with my own toys. Spinning around me, I am as strong and fragile as porcelain. It's not because I include motherhood in my art that I suddenly make some kind of motherhood art. Or worse, "women's art" if that even exists. Although it remains a stubborn fact that ceramics and textiles remain sensitive to the previously applied arts and in the Art and craft movement. It is rather that I start my story with very personal experiences and then test them against the outside world or expectations. Motherhood is experienced differently by everyone and it is precisely the way and how one deals with it that makes it personal. But I have something to say about motherhood so far and I also have an experience about combining motherhood and work. AND in that sense the kind of work as an artist, until now student/artist how I have already experienced this. One can let the subject weigh very heavily or go completely feminist. But I speak from myself and I also want to keep a certain form of humor. In both motherhood and the arts, keeping a sense of humor is a must! That is why I use recognizable shapes as toys for recognition. But with a second look, one discovers so much more. Maybe we should continue to play a bit more as adults. My work is neither a manifesto nor an ode to motherhood. It is an honest story with a critical eye. In which toys play the leading role as a reminder of all the repetitive actions I commit every day.