The Everyday Philosopher

The Everyday Philosopher

Lara Van den Bosch

Applied Context  2022-2023

The Everyday Philosopher is an anonymous creator that gives social and light philosophical criticism. The work displays itself in everyday public spaces as posters, stickers and postcards that show texts and images. It invites people to reflect on issues we no longer give attention to in our turbulent, overstimulated times.

Philosophy often has a rather serious connotation, although in my mind philosophy is everywhere, all any time. We live in a very digital world in which everyone has something to say and complain about, which inherently is the basis of philosophy. I often catch myself giving critical comments and wanting to give my opinion on little occurrences or interactions. The blandness and randomness of everyday life always intrigued me. I tend to write and make doodles about irritations anyway, so I decided to make a project that reflects me as a person as well as it reflects our society and our online commenting behavior. You could say that human interactions and communication have become a big part of my project. It was very important to me that it wouldn’t just be another critical social media account that uses humorous touches. I wanted to reconnect with public spaces and give people a chance to rethink their use of time and their attention to their surroundings by using tactile media in the city. That’s how The Everyday Philosopher was born.

The Everyday Philosopher is an anonymous creator that gives societal and light philosophical criticism. The work displays itself in everyday public spaces as posters, stickers and postcards with texts and images. It invites people to reflect on issues we no longer give attention to in our turbulent, overstimulated times. After all, most of us are never not thinking.